May 21, 2019

Hi:) Today’s recipe and pictures are from my friend Ola from Birmingham. It is a traditional ‘dish’, which is called ‘achar’, or rather marinated vegetables, which are often on the Afghans table. They are served with meat, vegetables or soup dishes – scherwa (the recipe can be found here: ).

Ingredients (it is on 4 jags like on picture):

  1. Carrots (4 medium);

  2. Cauliflower (small one);

  3. Eggplants (1/2 kg, small one);

  4. Mango (1/2 kg, green, small);

  5. Chili (3 kinds);

  6. Garlic (few cloves);

  7. Vinegar (2 cups);

  8. Vegetable stock (1 cup).

What do you have to do?

Blanching vegetables (put hot water on vegetables): carrots, cauliflower, small white eggplants, small, green mango, three types of chili, a few garlic cloves.

Marinade: one cup of vegetable stock, salt (just little bit), two cups of vinegar. While pouring the blanched vegetables the decoction should be warm (but not hot).

This marinade is also prepared with coriander, chili (red) and garlic, which you slice with a food processor.

Before pouring, add the shredded ingredients and mix very thoroughly.

Pour marinade on vegetables, cover and leave for a day or two at room temperature.

After these two days, pour marinade with vegetables to the jars and put them in the fridge.

 It must be a lot of marinade to let the vegetables loose in the dish.

After one week you can open the jars and consume, although I know those who do it after a few days hehe 🙂

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